The MinderMethod

There's too much to keep track of at home. It can leave you feeling drained and vulnerable.

In front of the kids, we call it our "stuff." 

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The usefulness of people's stuff is directly related to how painless it is to organize, manage and access.

Purge Keep Protect Find.png

What if my set-up doesn't look like the picture?

In real life, workspaces emerge where they need to. Minder is made up of portable modules that move around your home... and wherever you go.

How does it work?

Just load your documents and other materials into the containers and the embedded MinderMethod takes it from there. Binders and files have embedded workflow guidance like glossaries, document retention keys, SmartTips and process signals to give you what you need, when you need it.

Your life never came with an owner's manual. Until now.

There are 4 modules to cover all of life's stuff. The MinderMethod uses 3 simple steps to process your stuff.

Each type of container has a specific function and purpose. This simple shift in framework creates a big shift in your ability to know where things are.

Just load your stuff into the containers and the patent-pending system takes it from there. 

Teach your C.P.A. a thing or two about organization.